The Tabor Boy Project

I'm interested in determining the status of Joseph Smart, my English Professor while a student at Tabor.

Mr. Smart was one of the officers aboard Tabor Boy for our first Bermuda Cruise. He was kind enough to present me with a hand written copy of the ship's log as a memento of that voyage.

Unfortunately, I never maintained contact since then. However, I am eternally grateful to Mr. Smart for his excellent teaching skills and leadership abilities. He has been a major influence ever since our short four years together at Tabor.

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I sailed with Mr. Smart on the two Spring cruises after the Famous first Bermuda cruise, he was also my teacher, and I lived at Gaither House. I last saw him at the Sailloft in the summer of 1970. I too lost contact with him but never out grew the influence he made in who I have become.

John, if you receive and updates I would ask you to share them.
Joe Smart has been gone for years. But we still have his "The School and the Sea" book onboard and refer to it when telling students the history of Tabor and the Tabor Boy.
Many thanks for the reply. Your excellence as master of Tabor Boy surely shows. She is now, more than ever, a showpiece vessel. Congratulations on a job well done.
Thanks, John. It has been a busy 25 years (beginning with Cap Glaeser's '84 refit), but all of the repairs and upgrades have paid off. Although there is still more work to do, the Tabor Boy is like a new vessel in many respects. This has made a huge difference in the safety and capabilities of the schooner, and it has significantly reduced the maintenance effort and expense. We're determined to keep up the momentum and continue to restore and improve the Tabor Boy so that she can serve the school - and the students - for many years to come.

My Uncle Joe passed away in 1988, after an brief illness. He spoke often of the Tabor Boy, and was always attempting to get me aboard his pride/joy. He taught for the years we were close at Avon Old Farms School, in Connecticut. I was an Officer for the US Coast Guard, working at the Academy in New London, CT. He used to drive down with a littany of sea tales, that were even more lucid than those of my own.

In his later years, he gave me a tour of his vast library of maritime (all) tomes, that streched from floor/tall ceiling, compeltely around a very large room. I still possess some of his books, beyond the stuff donated to the Tabor Academy.

He managed to ride sailings on Chemical/Oil Tankers from the Azores, to Valdez. The look on his face when he detailing his adventures were beyond joy, it emulated a state of bliss.

His ashes were scattered at sea, off Brenton Reef, under full military honors. Those were his express orders, which were followed to the "T".

You folks need any more recollections, feel free to ask.

Andrew Smart

Thanks for the update. This puts my mind at ease to know that your Uncle Joe spent those precious times doing what he most enjoyed. During my time at Tabor, I spent many an evening visiting with him over tea and chatting about the sea and ships.

Best regards,
John Crocker
Andrew -

Who were you aboard in Kodiak in '84? White boat or black? I was XO of SWEETBRIER in Cordova 84-86 and CO FIREBUSH 89-92.





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