The Tabor Boy Project

I was never a very good math or science student at Tabor, or in college for that matter; however, at yesterday's Headmaster's Council meeting, Drs. Karl Kistler and John Crosby made a presentation that would have caused an indifferent student like me to take notice and work a little harder. They made it all sound so very interesting, important and FUN!

The new marine science center is an amazing building that allows students to do world class science and the new Science, Math and Technology Center, which is currently underconstruction, will also be state of the art facility.

But the most exciting part of the presentation was hearing how SSV Tabor Boy is integrated into the academic program. Sail training vessels are not only particularly effective at building character and creating leaders, they also present an incredible platform for teaching a wide variety of subjects with none more appropriate than Ocean Science.

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