The Tabor Boy Project

James Hutton's Comments

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At 12:33pm on January 14, 2023, Luke Saletta said…


          Thank you for welcoming me! I am so glad to be a member of this community and thrilled to find somewhere to connect with former members of the Tabor Boy crew. I will definitely post some pictures as soon as I am able.

At 12:46pm on December 1, 2022, Robert (Bob) Griffith said…

West Pont not Kings Point. Capt G did urge me toward Kings Point, but I'd wanted to go to West  since I was twelve. Tabor was/is a naval honors school and i got an appointment through that program. Course Vietnam was just heating up around then so they were taking anybody. The rest is history.

At 11:35pm on November 29, 2022, John W. Briggs said…

Hi Jamie!

I don't know why it took me so long to see your message and to reply to you!  All is well on this end, here in rural New Mexico!  I remember you, our crew mates, and our time together, very well.  And I remember how stormy that trip was to Bermuda, early in the summer of '77!  A good handful of years afterward, I bumped into Pete Mello in Providence and had a nice time catching up with him.  It's wonderful what he's done.  Bill Rose has recently visited me here in New Mexico, I'm very glad to say.  Our experience together on Tabor Boy was nothing short of priceless.  It was mind boggling how relatively few students took advantage of it.  Perhaps, however, what the others didn't know, was a blessing for us, who did!!

Yours truly,

--John W. Briggs, Tabor '77, Tabor Boy spring '77, & '77 Bermuda cruise. 

At 8:30pm on October 13, 2022, Adelle Smith said…

Thank you so much for the warm welcome! Here's a photo from a couple days ago and I'll be sure to post may more!! 

At 12:49am on January 21, 2021, Jonathan Lincoln said…

Hey Jamie,

Hope this finds you well. Been a long time since i was on here last...

Let's catch up!  504-495-9750

Jonathan Lincoln

At 9:17am on September 21, 2020, Lauren Kirk said…

Thank you!

It certainly is a challenging year, but I'm looking at it as an opportunity to shape the program to be something students continue to love. We all love Cap so much, and I miss sailing with him every day more than I can express. It is because of Cap's dedication in training us that we are able to adapt and function well under all these new circumstances.

You'll be happy to know that Capt. Jay is a very qualified, very kind man, and he is up for the task as well.

I'm happy for you and everyone who has gotten to sail on Tabor Boy. Schooner Crew is truly a family.

-Lauren Kirk

At 11:41am on March 13, 2020, Clint Wadsworth said…

I agree with the comment that the Tabor Boy changed, influenced many lives.  Personally after college I started down a pretty standard and boring path in construction management.  From my experience on the Tabor Boy, I learned what really made me happy was the hands on aspect of construction.  Not to bore you with a long history, I will just mention that I am still at it and will be moving a slave cabin 10 miles this spring.  And, that is fun.

In addition, I am signing up for an American Sailing Association program to refresh my knowlege of navigation, maintenance, etc. 

We were the lucky ones at Tabor when we signed on the Tabor Boy for our sport.

At 6:47pm on May 4, 2019, Robert Birch said…

Thanks, Jamie.  There is a Robert Perry Fan Group on Facebook you might want to join since he designed your Valiant 42, which is  fine yacht.

At 11:02am on November 17, 2016, Jonathan Pirkey said…

That's what I hear.  The old wharf is now luxury condos.  Well they aren't making any more land there.

At 6:49pm on March 22, 2015, kipp k. valentine said…
Glad to be back....thanks
At 11:55am on January 10, 2015, John Rice said…
Thanks jamie for kind words about the doc.
At 9:31am on December 10, 2014, Prentice Weathers said…

Thanks, Jamie - fun to have discovered the site. Great job! Getting to sail Morris boats is pretty sweet, but Jon Barrett's the guy with the rock star job! I have the pleasure of crossing paths with him now and then.

It was terrific sailing aboard the Tabor Boy last year at Reunion - first time in 40 years.

The photo insert is of the Tabor Boy in '09. I walked into my office in Bass Harbor, Maine one foggy June morning, looked out my window and behold!!

At 6:13pm on August 3, 2014, Casey Quirk said…

Hi Jamie!  You and I met at reunion last year!  Thanks for welcoming me to this great website!  I just posted that there are Recycled Tabor Boy Sail Bags for Sale.  Let me know if you want one/some:

(-:  Casey

At 2:18pm on August 2, 2014, Kerry Saltonstall said…

Many thanks for the warm welcome!  Hope all is well with you!

At 6:23pm on June 18, 2013, Holly Francis said…


Thank you so much for the comment -- I am honored to be chosen as the XO of the Tabor Boy.  I am extremely excited for the upcoming year!  Hopefully I will see Capt. Glover and Peter Mello; I would love to meet them.  When you come to campus, let me know.  Past schooner crew members are always welcome back aboard for a sail even if you cannot come to reunion.

Thank you again!


XO '14 SSV Tabor Boy


At 2:34am on June 12, 2013, Jonathan Lincoln said…

Hey Jamie,

What are you doing weekend of September 19 to 22nd?  Group of us from '88 are heading up to Castine for Alumni weekend....25 years later.



At 4:39pm on January 16, 2013, Rodger Morris said…
No, but I have sailed with "Winger" Morse and Captain Joe Davis aboard Schooner Bill of Rights in the past two years. Both came out to visit with us and sail with us, albeit at different times.

I would love to come out and sail with you after I retire, provided you can use a deck hand in his 60s.
At 4:30pm on January 7, 2013, dino avgerinos said…

Thanks Jamie,

Glad to have found you. 
Perhaps you can help me. I'm interested in obtaining a copy of a photograph taken of the Tabor Boy in the Fall of 1966 before the vessel left for the Thanksgiving cruise to South Carolina for Winter lay up. I think it's the finest picture of her that I've seen so far and am sure other members would agree. The picture was used for the embossed outside cover of the 1967 Tabor Year Book depicting her on a reach, heeled over to the scuppers. The photo was taken from Mrs T, engine red lined to keep from being run over shortly after leaving Sippican Harbor and making sail. 
I'll post this on the forum hoping that someone with access to school records can retrieve it or if someone could scan the 1966 year book cover and post it. I intend to commission a marine artist to render it in oils.
Regards, Dino
At 10:11am on October 12, 2012, John W. Briggs said…

Hi Jamie,

I remember you and our shipmates '76-'77 very well!  I was the guy who worked at Maria Mitchell Observatory on Nantucket later that summer ('77), and when TB sailed in to Nantucket, my buddies made quite am impression in town tracking me down -- and track me down they did!  We went out to the "Chicken Box" afterwards -- a local nightclub!  When I have a chance, I look forwrad to posting some memories here.  This is a wonderful site, and I'm very grateful old shipmates like you are involved with it!  


At 2:31pm on May 20, 2012, Jon M Barrett said…

Hi Jamie,


I have added a couple photos of ENDEAVOUR past and present for your enjoyment.  I don't have your email address to sorry for putting them up here.


Best regards,




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