The Tabor Boy Project

Robert Cowen, Jr.
  • Male
  • Morristown, NJ
  • United States
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Robert Cowen, Jr.'s Page

Profile Information

When did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
How many years did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
Were you a member of the Schooner Crew?
Were you an Officer?
If yes, please provide position (s) and years(s)
I attended Tabor Academy summer program and we took 3 to 7 day cruises.
Did you make any extended voyages? (i.e. Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.)
Did you participate in "Orientation at Sea" program for new students?
Tabor graduation year:
College attended and year graduated:
Columbia College, 1951
Do you currently work in the maritime field?
Current Occupation:
Last time you sailed on Tabor Boy?
Do you own currently own a boat?
Favorite Tabor Boy moment
I have several memories about sailing on the Tabor Boy from 1941-1944. One day in 1943 I was standing on the mainmast cross trees when 3 Avenger Torpedo planes made "a run" at us. I was looking down on them as they came towards the ship. At the last minute they pulled up and opened their bomb bay doors. I felt I could have reached up and touched them,

In 1944 we sailed through the Cape Cod canal to Provincetown. There was a DE in the harbor and they let us tour the ship. It was the first time I had ever seen a radar screen and was mesmerized as we watched ships and planes on the scope. The water in around Cape Cod, even in August, was freezing. We trailed a skiff behind the Tabor Boy when we went swimming as a safety precaution with a counselor on board to haul us out as we turned blue.

I remember the first time I had to stow the anchor chain. I was 12 and had just finished reading a comic book in which the bad guy was crushed to death by an anchor chain because as it filled a small compartment in which he had been cornered. When they called my name for that duty, I was scared to death but knew I had to go. Fortunately, my fears turned out to be unfounded.

One foggy day in 1942 we were in Buzzards Bay, sounding our fog horn. All of sudden we heard a very deep horn replying to our signal. All aboard were peering into the fog when all of sudden closing rapidly with us was a submarine. Turned out it wasn't German but one of ours.

But the thing I remember best was sailing through Woods Hole as we rode the current. We also sailed to Cuttyhunk where there was a gambling casino. There was no age limit on who could play the slot machines and other games.

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At 4:50pm on February 2, 2010, Peter A. Mello said…
Thanks for joining and welcome aboard!
At 3:36pm on February 2, 2010, James Hutton said…
Mr. Cowen,

Welcome aboard! I have read each new member's "Favorite Moments" aboard the TABOR BOY, and yours are absolutely the best. Seeing the Avengers making a run at you with doors open must have caused a bit of a stir aboard the ship.

I'm wondering if we have met at one of the reunions. I'm from the class of '79 and our reunions would be in synch. Regardless, I would sure love to have a beer with you sometime to relive some of your stories. Thanks so much for posting them as you have made this site richer. Any pictures that you may have to post, would be greatly appreciated too.

Again welcome and thanks for joining,
Jamie Hutton
XO '79



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