The Tabor Boy Project

Last Sunday, my former shipmate Jamie Hutton XO '79 (who grew up to be a NOAA engineer) gave my son Luke and I a tour of NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow while she was dockside at the Naval Station Newport. Here's a slideshow of a few photos that I took which you can also view in more detail with Jamie's comments on Hopefully Jamie will also add a few comments to this post about his experiences in overseeing the construction of this ship.

Named after the Harvard educated zoologist and first director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow is used for fisheries research and is billed as the quietest non-military ship in the world. Perfect for sneaking up on marine life.

The NOAA website has lots of great information about what they do as well as details about each of their ships. Here's the Bigelow's webpage and her 2007 cruise track.

She's an impressive and beautiful vessel on an important mission. Here's a cool video of her launch.

Jamie's another Tabor Boy product that done good! ;-)

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Comment by James Hutton on December 11, 2007 at 10:02am
Good on ya! I'll do my best to add something to this. Unfortunately I've been a bit overwhelmed with work lately with trips to Mississippi, Seattle, and Norfolk. I know that you are familiar with the feeling.
I'll give you a holler soon,



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