The Tabor Boy Project

Dale Glaeser
  • 77, Male
  • North Palm Beach, FL
  • United States
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Dale Glaeser's Page

Profile Information

When did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
How many years did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
Were you a member of the Schooner Crew?
Were you an Officer?
If yes, please provide position (s) and years(s)
Executive Officer
Did you make any extended voyages? (i.e. Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.)
Caribbean, Bermuda, Maine, Other
If "Other", please advise.
Did you participate in "Orientation at Sea" program for new students?
Tabor graduation year:
College attended and year graduated:
University of North Carolina/1970
Do you currently work in the maritime field?
Current Occupation:
Last time you sailed on Tabor Boy?
Do you own currently own a boat?
Favorite Tabor Boy moment
Sailing accross the Strights of Florida during a storm when my father
told me to furl the topsail when no one else was willing!

Dale Glaeser's Blog

Tim Manning

Shipmates of Tim Manning - Sorry to report that he has passed away. He was 4 years ahead of me at Tabor and was a great influence on my decision to sail on the Tabor Boy with my father. He also took care of my sisters and me, as youngsters, before I went to Tabor and, of course, my father, Cap Glaeser, thought very highly of Tim and his family. Smooth sailing Tim.......

Posted on June 22, 2018 at 6:47pm

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 5:09pm on July 24, 2009, Dave Williams said…
Glad to see you signed up. Hope things are well.
At 8:27am on February 20, 2009, James Hutton said…
Dale, welcome aboard; I'm so glad that you joined! I know that your father is proud of this site. Man, I sure do miss him.

There are quite a few great shots of him. If you go to the “Pictures” tab, there is an album names “Captains” that has most of these shots.

Again, thanks so much for joining and I’m looking forward to reading your stories and looking at any photos that you can post. Your Christine, Karen, and Jason should be on this site too.

Best regards,
By the way, my 30th reunion is this summer. I’m pretty sure that this coincides with Dave Williams’ as I saw him at my last. Is there any chance that this is yours as well?
At 9:00pm on February 19, 2009, Peter A. Mello said…
Thanks for joining! I KNOW you have a lot of interesting stories to share and look forward to them, Thanks for joining!



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