The Tabor Boy Project

Will Cox
  • Male
  • Devonshire
  • Bermuda
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Will Cox's Friends

  • Jim Potdevin
  • Rob "Swabby" Atkinson
  • Dave Williams
  • Peter A. Mello

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Profile Information

When did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
How many years did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
Were you a member of the Schooner Crew?
Were you an Officer?
If yes, please provide position (s) and years(s)
Bermuda entertainment committee
Did you make any extended voyages? (i.e. Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.)
Did you participate in "Orientation at Sea" program for new students?
Tabor graduation year:
College attended and year graduated:
Lynchburg 1981
Do you currently work in the maritime field?
Current Occupation:
Waterfront Marina
Last time you sailed on Tabor Boy?
Do you own currently own a boat?
Favorite Tabor Boy moment
Each Spring and Summer when she arrived in Bermuda and having a rum with Swabby

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 9:58pm on July 22, 2013, Jonathan Lincoln said…

Hi Will,

Stopped in at Miles Market today to see if you were around! Unfortunately you are off island.  Had dinner at Harry's Restaurant, very nice.  WOW the place looks different from when we sailed down in 1983......

Take care,

Jonathan Lincoln XO 1984

At 8:55am on October 15, 2009, Jim Walker said…

I only just read you comment and sorry to miss you. SMS is a wonderful school. My son Jim, jr graduated from SMS last year and is upstairs at this moment on a long weekend break from college scheming to visit his friends at SMS. My daughter is at Pomfret with Conner Barrett, Jon's son, and loving it. Small world or what?? Jim
At 9:43pm on October 10, 2009, Jim Potdevin said…
Hey Will -

Just saw this, welcome.

Heard from your Mom on her birthday, she said you were all doing fine.

At 5:02pm on October 10, 2009, Dave Williams said…
Hi Will,

He is having a tough time with it. I guess there is some in his bones which is causing him a lot of pain. He & Karen were to come up in two weeks for our daughter Krista's wedding, but they have had to cancel that as the traveling would be too much. He is not bed ridden, able to walk around the house, but is on double the pain meds with a patch.
At 9:18am on October 8, 2009, Robert C. Beauregard said…
Hi Will,

Like Jamie says, I'm very grateful for the dives that were arranged. One of my most vivid memories. I also remember the party with the Stollers and an untimely return home of your parents. Great times.


Bob Beauregard
At 3:45pm on September 28, 2009, Rob "Swabby" Atkinson said…
Thanks Will. I will take a look at that for Sam. Think it would be a bgreat opportunity for him. While you went north, we went south to visit Hope in Charleston while the Cougars took on Chattanooga and Furman. Both good games and they walked away with two wins making them 6-3-1 on season with 2-0 in conference. Hope played well and we had a great time. How was visiting Jonathan at St. Marks? Is he enjoying it?
At 5:36pm on September 23, 2009, Rob "Swabby" Atkinson said…
Sorry didn't see this until just now. Have been traveling quite extensively but summer was good while I was here. So I guess Jonathan had a good experience on the Spirit of South Carolina? Still trying to figure out what to do with Sam for next year. Maybe the Corwith Cramer out of Woods Hle for a month. When did Jonathan leave for St. Marks?
At 9:56am on September 7, 2009, Jim Walker said…
Will, My son, Jim Jr. just graduated from St. Mark's! Small world.

my email address is :

I'm a ship master with Maersk
At 8:41am on August 30, 2009, Jim Walker said…
Will, Great to see you are part of Peter's Website. Hope all is well with you. Jon Barrett and I live very close to each other in Newport, RI (kids even went to the same school). If you ever get up here, look us up.


Jim Walker
At 2:52pm on July 3, 2009, James Hutton said…
Welcome aboard and great to have you on the site. I think the last time I saw you was in Bermuda aboard the TABOR BOY during Tall Ships '76 event. I sure appreciate all the amazing dives that your father and family too us all on.
Best regards and again, welcome!
Jamie Hutton



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