The Tabor Boy Project

Rob "Swabby" Atkinson
  • 63, Male
  • Charleston, SC
  • United States
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Rob "Swabby" Atkinson's Friends

  • Will Cox
  • David H. Mooney
  • Robert C. Beauregard
  • Jason Bland
  • Bill Fairing
  • Matt Twomey '79
  • Ted Brown
  • Blaine M. Fortin
  • Alex Pline
  • Mike Laing
  • Jonathan Werbel
  • R.C.Glover III
  • James Hutton
  • Peter A. Mello

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Rob "Swabby" Atkinson's Page

Profile Information

When did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
1977 - 1980
How many years did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
Were you a member of the Schooner Crew?
Were you an Officer?
If yes, please provide position (s) and years(s)
PeeOn (Fall '77), Foretopman (Spring '78), Chief Engineer ('78 - '80)
Did you make any extended voyages? (i.e. Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.)
Caribbean, Bermuda, Maine, Other
If "Other", please advise.
C/E summer crew '78 - '80
Did you participate in "Orientation at Sea" program for new students?
Tabor graduation year:
College attended and year graduated:
US Merchant Marine Academy ('84)
Do you currently work in the maritime field?
Current Occupation:
Master, M/Y HOPE
Last time you sailed on Tabor Boy?
I believe I took my oldest son Robbie to visit aboard in 2002
Do you own currently own a boat?
Motor Yacht HOPE (Back Cove 37 Downeast style trawler)
Favorite Tabor Boy moment
Getting stuck on the cliff in Somes Sound Maine with Bobby Glover and Ted Brown when the tour boat was passing by... or... getting "arrested" by the police in "P"-town for singing sea chanties with Carl-Aye and having to try to break into Cap's safe to try and bail Carl out! (when we rowed back ashore the police had let him go and he was on the dock waiting).

Rob "Swabby" Atkinson's Photos

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Rob "Swabby" Atkinson's Blog

The Tall Ships are Coming! The Tall Ships are Coming!

The "Atlantic Challenge 2009" began from Vigo, Spain and ends in Belfast, Northern Ireland - a true race around the Atlantic and the first since 2000. Each port will host the fleet, with various festivals and activities taking place at every stop along the route.

From June 11 - 15, 2009, the Tall Ships were in Hamilton to help celebrate Bermuda's 400 years of permanent settlement. This was a truly unique and memorable event. Rob "Swabby" Atkinson (CE '80) passed up the Tabor Reunion to… Continue

Posted on June 20, 2009 at 11:40am — 1 Comment

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At 9:35am on October 12, 2009, Matt Twomey '79 said…
Good Morning! Email, fleet wide at MSC has been dead since 10/2, which just validates everything that you have ever heard about MSC! I am right on track though, having collected 1,089 sea days so far on vessels over 10,000 tons at MSC. This puts me at the majic number to sit for my next license. It took me 1,341 days to get this sea time, which I feel is pretty efficient at just over 80%. It was great to meet your crew in September! What a nice break from the usual ruffians on my ship! Thanks for bringing out a crowd on a week night! Best Wishes, Matt
At 9:19am on September 24, 2009, Will Cox said…
Have a look at "the winter term" in switzerland for Sam great program. Also the tall ships site has some great opportunities on it and can help tyhere. Off to st marks this weekend to see the boys - take care,

At 4:16pm on August 30, 2009, Will Cox said…
Swabby rainy day on the Island - how are things? Jonathan had a great trip on the spirit and Stephen just came back off the Spirit of Bermuda. Hope you are having a great summer and see you soon,

At 9:22am on June 10, 2009, James Hutton said…
Hey Rob,
We will miss you this weekend. I'll be sure to leave a cup of coffee at Cap's grave for you!
At 5:00pm on February 9, 2009, Kip Files said…
just keep the Chimes in Maine. Ski winters.
Carl eye. passed away a few years back.
I remember having to retrieve a few folks of the cliffs in Somes sound. Was that you?
Those were great years. Found memories. Come for a visit or better yet a sail. We should try and get some T Boy alumni trips on the Chimes.
At 2:33pm on February 7, 2009, Rob "Swabby" Atkinson said…
I think that was the same summer that Carl Aye was arrested in P-Town when we were leaving a bar where the pot smoke was thicker than the fog and there were guitars blasting form both sides of the street! Carl bent over and asked the cop to replace what he took! Ha!
We had to row all the way out to the schooner and try and break into the safe... which we couldn't figure out.
Yeah, it was an amazing summer.
At 2:07pm on February 7, 2009, James Hutton said…
The summer with you, Ted, G.Lover, Cap, and of course Carleye was one of the very best summers of my life. I probably have more memories from that summer than any other. That was a good crew. Do you remember the “What pray tell is a Ring-Dang-Do” song? “Carleye, come back to the schooner, your groupies are here”.
At 2:02pm on February 7, 2009, James Hutton said…
Hah, hah, hah ... hair, yah I get it. I'm going to unleash the wrecking crew on you, TABOR BOY stile. It is funny to look at the old shots and appearances through the years.
How are you doing? John Lincoln called last night out of the blue and it was great to catch up with him. He finally has a permanent chief gig now and is doing great.
At 10:39pm on September 6, 2008, Jason Bland said…

KP'95 here, noted you also went to KP, I think you work with Phil Voorhees from my ARCO days, he would know me as Lloyd Bland. Regardless finally signed onto this website and quite fascinated by it and some of the old stories.
At 5:45am on February 2, 2008, R.C.Glover III said…

Doing any Rock Climbing lately?

Belive it or not, my 16 year old son is into Climbing. New Bedford has the largest indoor climbing center in the US and we go there regurlerly so he can climb, I just belay him, no climbing for this dirtball.



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