The Tabor Boy Project

Chris Dowley
  • 66, Male
  • Marblehead, MA
  • United States
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Chris Dowley's Page

Profile Information

When did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
How many years did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
Were you a member of the Schooner Crew?
Were you an Officer?
Did you make any extended voyages? (i.e. Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.)
If "Other", please advise.
Talls Ships race from Bermuda to Newport, RI - June 1976
Did you participate in "Orientation at Sea" program for new students?
Tabor graduation year:
College attended and year graduated:
Univ of Michigan- 1981
Do you currently work in the maritime field?
Current Occupation:
Financial Advisor
Last time you sailed on Tabor Boy?
Reunion- June 06
Do you own currently own a boat?
Favorite Tabor Boy moment
In June of '76, we returned from Bermuda, racing the other Tall Ships. I watched from her rigging as the now famous collision of the "Libertad" and "Juan Sebestian de Elcano" took place. The day was clear and blowing about 30 kts. This sent a huge armada of ships across the North Atlantic. It is a sight etched into my memory.
The wind died that night and we spend the next two days floating in the sun. We went swimming at one point, and some of us tried to "swim" the schooner to the north to keep her pointed in the right direction. At some point the wind came up and started to blow hard from the west while still sunny and clear. I remember falling asleep just forward of the helm as the spray flew over the side to rain gently down on me. Suddenly, a gust hit the schooner and she went over on her beam ends. I remember staggering to my feet in time to see Cap Glaser fly past and struggle to bring her up into the wind. He ordered us forward to get some sails down and as I responded, I recall seeing water lapping the decks up to the mast! I had never seen her go over so far. It was freightening! Chris Hatch (76) and I were ordered to go out the jib boom and handle the dousing of the outer jib. This turned out to be no small task. It was blowing upwards of 35 kts at this point. My memory is looking aft from the tip of the jib boom and watching the schooner thunder through the swells sending sheets of spray flying all the way to the stern. The ocean was that aquamarine blue that somehow cannot be duplicated on any canvas (you know it when you see it).
I also rember arriving in Newport in the evening and anchoring outside the harbor. Early in the morning we motored into the harbor with a huge American flag flying from mainmast. I had the priviledge of being at the helm went we received salutes from all the visiting ships as we paraded around the harbor. We docked at Christies wharf which was standing room only and got a huge ovation from the people there. It was a great way to end my career as a Tabor student. I could't be more proud of the vessel and my school.

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Chris Dowley's Blog

A Dockside Visit

In August, 2007, I was in Marion to picking up a boat that I was chartering for the week for my family. I had some time on my hands and I was told that Tabor Boy was still in Fairhaven for repairs. I needed to go to New Bedford anyway, and thought I would take the opportunity to…


Posted on December 20, 2007 at 1:56pm — 2 Comments

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At 1:26pm on March 8, 2009, Peter A. Mello said…
Hope you have a Boat Rockin' Berthday!!!



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