The Tabor Boy Project

Bro Russell
  • 82, Male
  • Fairfax
  • United States
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Bro Russell's Friends

  • Holly Francis
  • William Tim Manning
  • Malcolm C. Young
  • Alexander Katzenstein
  • Jay Bolton
  • Peter A. Mello

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Bro Russell and Jay Bolton are now friends
Oct 30, 2020
Jay Bolton left a comment for Bro Russell
"Hi Bro - what a pleasant surprise -  my telno: 860 460 9209  email"
Oct 30, 2020
Bro Russell left a comment for Jay Bolton
"Hey Jay, I hope you remember me from our Tabor Boy days, Bro Russell, I think we were both seniors When Nat Gladding was XO. We have lots to catch up on, but I’ve been trying to find anybody from our time who remembes Cap Teaching us about the…"
Oct 30, 2020
Bro Russell and Malcolm C. Young are now friends
Sep 5, 2020
Bro Russell shared a profile on Facebook
Aug 5, 2020
Bro Russell left a comment for Alexander Katzenstein
"That is just a wonderful story Alex, are you still in the George Mason area? I live about 3 miles from campus towards the Burke. lake camping grounds. Anytime in the board that boat is magical and life-changing. We should trade war stories about our…"
Jul 23, 2020
Bro Russell posted a blog post

Major transitions at Tabor

Major transitions at Tabor.  i’ve been following some of the major changes at Tabor, they are in the middle of a search for a new head of school, and apparently Captain Gail has retired, and the boat sits  with no captain and apparently right now no mission or direction while  the Covid virus is throwing the entire school into frantic efforts to assure student safety in the coming school any of us know what’s going on with the boat? Do we have any recent readings from the director of…See More
Jul 15, 2020
Bro Russell is now friends with Peter A. Mello and Alexander Katzenstein
Jul 15, 2020

Profile Information

When did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
1959 to 1962
How many years did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
Were you a member of the Schooner Crew?
Were you an Officer?
If yes, please provide position (s) and years(s)
Senir year I was Navigator under Exec. Nat Gladding
Did you make any extended voyages? (i.e. Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.)
Caribbean, Bermuda, Maine, Other
If "Other", please advise.
Chesapeake Charleston a few times Delaware
Did you participate in "Orientation at Sea" program for new students?
Tabor graduation year:
College attended and year graduated:
Syracuse, 66, UMass 72
Do you currently work in the maritime field?
Current Occupation:
Human rights organization
Last time you sailed on Tabor Boy?
niot since summer crewing after I graduated.
Do you own currently own a boat?
Favorite Tabor Boy moment
We were in Tarpaulin cove on a work weekend, and Alfie Fuller and I were over the side in the long boat putting the finishing touches on a full hull repaint in that nice Pettit Gloss Black. Of course we were the two most geeky guys aboard, but the word hadn't been coined then.

Well it was dusk, the light was fading and everybody but us was below eating. The long boat has just been totally repainted the week before and this was its first outing with its brand new spanking while gloss paint job. Geeks that we were of course (do I have to say it?) somehow, and I'm sure it was all Alfie's fault, the whole freaking gallon of gloss black went ass over teacup and into the long boat's bilge. About 10 gallons of sea water down there to help slosh it along too. Alfie and I just stood there, just stunned. Cap. Galeser could exhibit a certain lack of a sense of humor from time to time.

Somebody was going to come up and check on us at any minute. We both looked at each other and in one motion without a word spoken we both looked out toward Sippican harbor, 7 miles away . No words were spoken, we both thought exactly the same thing....could we possibly swim?

The exec offier came up and with a look of horror I've never seen since peered down into the dusk to and saw what miraculous works we have done. He got the Boson up and we all started slurping up the mess in the bilges, old shirts, rags, somebody's jeans, a few gallons of terps, and then we could still hear Cap's booming voice coming from below: He didn't even have to come up on deck: Who the hell left Bro and Alfie alone in the long boat? he let out the definitive "WHAT A PERFORMANCE!" of our young lives.

Alfie and I ate late that night, very late. But we were so happy that we still had all the family jewels in tact that we didn't mind.

In the morning, we both came up on deck to a beautiful spring morning, clear as a bell, and we look out across the other smaller boats anchored there for the night. Especially a really lovely while hulled Choy Lee anchored to our stern. It had a really interesting new black waterline stripe.

If your out there Alfie, I still think we coulda swum it.

Bro Russell

Bro Russell's Blog

Major transitions at Tabor

Major transitions at Tabor.  

i’ve been following some of the major changes at Tabor, they are in the middle of a search for a new head of school, and apparently Captain Gail has retired, and the boat sits  with no captain and apparently right now no mission or direction while  the Covid virus is throwing the entire school into frantic efforts to assure student safety in the coming school year.

do any of us know what’s going on with the boat? Do we have any…


Posted on July 15, 2020 at 12:55pm

My friend Tim

I would also like to add my note of sympathy and assure my lifelong friendship with Tim, who's passing also resulted in my refreshing my long-term friendship with  Tim's sister Dee.

When I was a senior at Tabor in 1962, Tim and I charted a little schooner over the summer to do Buzzards Bay and hopefully hit Provincetown. Or the one leg of our voyage Dee and her college roommate, she was a freshman in college then, came along and we had an absolutely wonderful week being very…


Posted on August 22, 2019 at 10:47am

Alfie and Bro in the long boat.

We were in Tarpaulin cove on a fall work weekend, and Alfie Fuller and I were over the side in the long boat putting the finishing touches on a full hull repaint in that nice Pettit Gloss Black. Of course we were the two most geeky guys aboard, but that word hadn't been coined yet.

Well, it was dusk, the light was fading and everybody but us was below eating. The long boat had just been totally repainted the week before and this was its first outing with its brand new…

Posted on June 6, 2007 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

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At 5:32pm on October 30, 2020, Jay Bolton said…

Hi Bro - what a pleasant surprise -  my telno: 860 460 9209  email

At 9:08am on August 26, 2019, Ware D. Fuller said…

Sorry, Alfie Fuller is not me, though I do vaguely remember him.

I am still trying to determine just when it was that I traveled on the Tabor Boy to Bermuda and Nassau. I think it must have been a summer cruise because I don't think both places would have been possible in a 2-3 week spring vacation cruise.

At 11:24pm on February 20, 2014, Holly Francis said…

I definitely did receive your letter.

It meant more to me than you might know -- everything you said rings true when I think about what I have been learning on the schooner in the past four years. "drink in, demand, insist, seek, devour as much experience as you can" -- I wholeheartedly agree and I cannot thank you enough for the advice you gave me. I am certain I will dream of the schooner as soon as I step down after graduation. I will miss the experiences I have had more than anything else at Tabor and, again you are right, the way that Cap has enough courage to let us learn courage.  When I sat down to write a reply to your letter, I honestly felt as though I could not put everything I wanted to say into words. I am sorry to admit I put it off, for too long. So, I hope you read my most recent article in the Tabor Today -- I think you will like it. 

By the way, I shared your letter with the rest of the schooner crew.  I think they were humbled to hear about your experiences and they way the still affect you to this day.  It did not surprise me to hear how strong your memories are, but the younger crew members have not realized how incredible the Tabor Boy really is.  After listening to your words, I think they began to understand.

I hope I will be able to meet you and your wife at one of the receptions on the schooner for her 100th anniversary.  I will be aboard for all of them if you decide to come -- you would be very welcome.  If you are ever near Marion, let me know and you both should join us for a sail.

Until then -- fair winds!  And thank you.

Holly Francis

XO '14


At 7:26pm on March 1, 2013, Ware D. Fuller said…

Hey Bro,  Perhaps you can help me.  I once went on the Tabor Boy to Nassau, and I think it was in the summer of '60, or perhaps '61.  I don't think it was a Spring cruise - Sophie Arnfield (Tabor Academy Archives,Charles Hayden Library) sent me newspaper articles of the '59, '60 and '61 Spring cruises, which list the crew.   Do you know anything about a summer cruise in '60 or '61?     Charles H Jacobus has asked about the Tabor Boy in the Bermuda Race in '60, but we sure weren't racing! (although I think we did, perhaps, stop in Bermuda).  Hope your memory's better than mine. 

At 6:23pm on February 10, 2010, William Tim Manning said…
Hey Bro, I 'm sorry I couldn't talk to you more SuperBowl night. I planned on calling you back tonight Wed Feb.10th, but I copied your phone number INcorrectly and can't find your number anywhere.
I 'm having a couple of SENIOR moments. I hope you read this and call me again, as soon as you get this message. I don't want you to think that I don't want to talk with you..I do very much and am mad at myself for losing your info.
Please forgive me and call again.
At 9:22am on December 29, 2009, William Beautyman said…
I will look for pictures and send them to you. It might time take some time to dig through some old slides, but I will get to it, after all TR (Time Remaining) is shortening!
At 5:31pm on December 28, 2009, William Tim Manning said…
Hey Bro you old dog...How the hell are you? Where are you etc........???????????? My email is"" .I 've been living in Costa Rica for the past 4 years. GET IN TOUCH PLEASE..
The "Rooller"
Happy New Year
At 2:52pm on December 1, 2008, William Beautyman said…
I do not know if I replied before; but the last I heard he was in Florida occasionally on private yachts, frequently in the bars! From the small world department. A long time friend of my wife went out with Tim during our senior year at TA.

I still have the picture of you and I with Dale taken in Boothbay Harbor in 1964.
Also, a picture of Tabor Boy at the Winter Harbor Yacht Club taken in 1963.



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