The Tabor Boy Project

Peter A. Mello's Blog (32)

Share your thoughts about Tabor Boy: 100 Years at Sea by John Rice

A couple of years ago I got a call from a Tabor alum that I had never met before about a film he was making about Tabor Boy and the school's sail training program. I think we were connected through the schools's alumni office. We agreed to meet on his boat at the New Bedford Yacht Club in Padanaram, MA. My son Luke joined us and we rendezvoused with my friend and former shipmate Captain Robert Glover to watch some footage recently shot of the schooner in action.

I was…


Added by Peter A. Mello on January 9, 2015 at 10:51pm — 2 Comments

Tonight! Tabor Boy Documentary Virtual Premier, Chat and Auction

You won't want to miss this! Here's a teaser!

Tabor Boy 100 Years at Sea Trailer from Tabor Academy on…


Added by Peter A. Mello on December 2, 2014 at 9:41am — No Comments

Tabor Boy 100th Anniversary Documentary Needs Your Help!

I'm sure that most of you know that the schooner is celebrating a big "berthday" this year! Tabor has commissioned a 100th Anniversary documentary of the Tabor Boy to be released in the Spring 2014. Writer/ Producer and Tabor Alum John Rice is hard at work with Capt., the crew and students on this project and is requesting all former Tabor Boy alum to submit any old photos, films or videos you might have of your time aboard.


Here's some…

Added by Peter A. Mello on January 20, 2014 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Headmaster Search Update

I was recently honored to be asked to be part of a small group of alums interviewing the final five headmaster candidates. One down, four to go.


From the first interview yesterday and reviewing the quality of all of the resumes, the future of the school should end up in good hands.


You'll be pleased to know that in addition to me advocating on the behalf of the traditions of the School by the Sea, the sail training program and Tabor Boy, Jack…


Added by Peter A. Mello on September 27, 2011 at 10:15am — 1 Comment

Headmaster Stroud is retiring. Please help the search!

You've probably already been contacted either directly by Jay Stroud or the always efficient development department that the school will soon be looking for a new headmaster. It will be sad to see Jay go after doing such a tremendous job all for nearly a quarter century leading the school. It's a much better place today than it was when I was there oh so long ago.

I have always appreciated Jay's unyielding support of the schooner Tabor Boy and the sail training program, often in the…


Added by Peter A. Mello on March 2, 2011 at 10:49pm — 1 Comment

Tabor Boy Trivia: Name that Spar!

Okay all you salty Tabor Boy aficionados, this morning I had a great visit with Mr. David Barker, former chair of the Tabor Board of Trustees and co-chair of the Tabor Boy 50/90 Celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Barker live on Captain's Lane, just a spar's length away from where Captain Glaeser used to live. Being a good neighbor, soon after he retired, Capt. came over to visit the…


Added by Peter A. Mello on February 8, 2011 at 3:00pm — 16 Comments

The Future of The Tabor Boy Project

I hope everyone is doing well, enjoying spring weather and making plans for the summer sailing season.

Some of you may be aware that The Tabor Boy Project is hosted on a social networking platform called Ning. A couple weeks ago Ning announced that

they are going to eliminate the free option that they've offered from

inception and will now be charging for the service.

Actually, our free option has not been free since we purchase an upgrade that

allows us to…


Added by Peter A. Mello on May 11, 2010 at 2:21pm — No Comments

Special Tabor Boy Shipmates Cruises on Schooner Victory Chimes This Summer

Back in 1996, a very special event took place in the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Tabor threw a party celebrating TABOR BOY'S 90th birthday and 50th year in service of her school's students. It was an extraordinary event because unlike most "reunions," which are limited to your class and others divisible by 5, this one included classmates that spanned the years that you sailed aboard the…


Added by Peter A. Mello on March 20, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

High School Tall Ship Concordia Sinks Off Brazil

You probably have read the news reports of the high school tall ship Concordia capsizing and sinking off the coast of Brazil on Wednesday and all of the students and crew being rescued after 30 hours adrift in lifeboats. I've been updating the Sea-Fever blog with "new" news if you have interest in keeping up with this story.


Added by Peter A. Mello on February 20, 2010 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

Sailing with Shipmates

One of the lasting effects of Tabor Boy experience is the strong friendships that shipmates establish. Rob Atkinson (Engineer '79) and I missed each other by a year at Tabor but met through the Tabor Boy Project and mutual friends/shipmates Jamie Hutton (XO '79) and Bob Glover (Navigator '78). Coincidentally Rob grew up in Mattapoisett and around the corner from where my family lives today.

On Saturday Rob and his son Sam invited me and my… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on July 26, 2009 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Maersk Alabama, Maersk Arkansas, Maersk Rhode Island and Tabor Boy

On March 18, 2009, Tabor Boy Project Crew Member Bob Beauregard proudly posted here about getting his first command, the Maersk Arkansas, a sister ship to the Maersk Alabama which trades a similar route. Got the nod today to join the big show Check out his post where you'll see a photo of the ship.

On March 29th, I received a message from Bob that he would be leaving for Kuwait to join the Maersk… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on April 19, 2009 at 11:40pm — 2 Comments

Perfect Storm of Simulation

The above photo and below article appeared above the fold on the front page of the New Bedford Standard Times on March 14, 2009. Celebrity shiphandler in our crew or slow news day? ;-)

Fairhaven simulator draws maritime pilots from around the… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on March 21, 2009 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

The Tabor Boy Project is now featured on the Tabor Academy website

While taking Luke (5) and Joy (4) out for an afterschool adventure today, I ran into Merry Conway who, among many other things at Tabor, is responsible for the website. She recently added a Tabor Boy Project page which is very exciting. Tabor Boy Project crew member and current student Scott Lauermann help put the page together.

The sail training program has been and… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on February 11, 2009 at 12:00am — No Comments

Tabor alum plays a big role in US Air Flight 1549 Crash into the Hudson River

Today's NY Times had a great article about the significant role played by Captain Conrad H. Roy, Jr of Tucker-Roy Marine Towing and Salvage and his crew in containing the US Air 1549 wreckage from becoming a major hazard to navigation in New York Harbor. Check out my post which includes an interview with Captain Roy on the Sea-Fever… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on January 16, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Find Tabor Boy in this new tall ships video and win valuable prizes!

Okay, I lied about the valuable prizes but at least you got a chance to see Tabor Boy in another cool tall ships… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on November 19, 2008 at 12:00pm — No Comments

SSV Tabor Boy by Norman Fortier from the New Bedford Whaling Museum Collection

This beautiful photo of the schooner popped up today on the New Bedford Whaling Museum's photostream. There's lots of other really amazing stuff over there that's worth checking out.

Here's a post that I did earlier today over at Sea-Fever: Foto… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on November 8, 2008 at 12:25am — 2 Comments

Tabor Boy sighting!

I was drafted for kid duty on Friday and thankfully my friend Randy Peffer invited Luke (5), Joy (3) and me to go sailing with him on his schooner, Sarah Abbott. It was an exquisite day on Buzzards Bay. Here's a link to a post about it on the Sea-Fever blog.

Returning to Sippican Harbor we crossed courses with Tabor Boy which looked to be on an Alumni Weekend… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on June 22, 2008 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Good times, good times. Revisted

One year ago today, Alex Rivard, Class of 2008, wrote one of the best and funniest posts on The Tabor Boy Project entitled Good times, good times. No matter what era you sailed on the schooner, I guarantee that you'll find a lot familiar. It's comforting to know that the ship and experience stand the test of time. If you haven't read it before, go now. And that's an order! ;-) SMILE

Added by Peter A. Mello on April 28, 2008 at 8:00pm — No Comments

The Tabor Boy Project Celebrates Its First Birthday!

The Tabor Boy Project is one year old!

It all start after attending a Headmaster's Council meeting at Tabor Academy on April 14, 2007. I have always felt incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to go to Tabor but that day really brought it home for me. While It is great to catch up with a few of the Council members that I went to school with… Continue

Added by Peter A. Mello on April 15, 2008 at 12:10am — 1 Comment



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