The Tabor Boy Project

HarborFinder Free Nautical app for Android smart phones

There are a lot of "apps" available for smart phones but here's one that is terrific for the mariner. Class of '79 Bill Earle and his associate at BBN/Rayetheon came up with this free Android app for voyage planning. Bill and his associate would like to get some feedback on the app so download it, have fun with it, and let him know how well it works for you -

"Plan your next boating trip with HarborFinder and NOAA's latest nautical charts. HarborFinder is a mapping application for boaters that runs on Android phones.

HarborFinder helps boaters plan and track their outing using NOAA's most up to date nautical charts and data from the national weather service. The application sports a map view that allows users to see their current location via GPS, track their location over time, plan routes, place markers, and view various weather data. In addition, HarborFinder allows a user to download whole regions of NOAA charts to their device so that it can be used offline.

* Note: For weather, offline access, and no ads, purchase the full version."

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