The Tabor Boy Project

James Hutton
  • 64, Male
  • Waterford, VA
  • United States
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James Hutton's Friends

  • Jon M. Barrett
  • Jonathan Pirkey
  • John W. Briggs
  • Polly Henshaw
  • Holly Francis
  • Spencer R.J. Ash
  • James Coburn
  • William Rose
  • Clint Wadsworth
  • Charles Barns (Barney) Davis
  • Charles S Ingersoll
  • John L. Chapman
  • David Small
  • David H. Mooney
  • Alec M. Willeson

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Mar 4
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On the hard, 2025

She is on the hard for new fuel oil tank, a new potable water tank, and major hull and interior repairs.
Mar 4
James Hutton posted photos
Mar 4
James Hutton commented on James E. Geil's photo

Book Cover

"I'm looking forward to reading this!"
Feb 6, 2023
Luke Saletta left a comment for James Hutton
"Jamie,           Thank you for welcoming me! I am so glad to be a member of this community and thrilled to find somewhere to connect with former members of the Tabor Boy crew. I will definitely post some pictures as soon as…"
Jan 14, 2023
James Hutton left a comment for Luke Saletta
"Welcome to the site Luke! I hope you enjoy looking through the photos through the life of the ship and reading various posts. Please add pictures of your adventures aboard her. Again, welcome, Jamie  Executive Officer '79"
Jan 14, 2023
James Hutton left a comment for Robert (Bob) Griffith
"I sailed in New York Harbor on tankers early in my career and occasionally we would sail past West Point on the Hudson River. It's a beautiful area but I know that being a West Point cadet was another experience.  I sure miss Cap. He was…"
Dec 4, 2022
Robert (Bob) Griffith left a comment for James Hutton
"West Pont not Kings Point. Capt G did urge me toward Kings Point, but I'd wanted to go to West  since I was twelve. Tabor was/is a naval honors school and i got an appointment through that program. Course Vietnam was just heating up around…"
Dec 1, 2022

Profile Information

When did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
'75 to '79, summer '80 and spring '85
How many years did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
Were you a member of the Schooner Crew?
Were you an Officer?
If yes, please provide position (s) and years(s)
Bosun - '78
XO - '79
Did you make any extended voyages? (i.e. Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.)
Caribbean, Bermuda, Maine
Did you participate in "Orientation at Sea" program for new students?
Tabor graduation year:
College attended and year graduated:
Maine Maritime Academy 1984, Clarkson 1988
Do you currently work in the maritime field?
Current Occupation:
Last time you sailed on Tabor Boy?
Do you own currently own a boat?
Capt. Gig - BMW RNineT GS
Favorite Tabor Boy moment
Sailing through Woods Hole on the way to Nantucket, one late fall day. We sailed her through and found that the wind was blowing even stronger on the Nantucket side. So, Cap told us to reduce sail and Bob Glover and I climbed out on the bowsprit to gather, stop, and secure the outer jib as it came down. Cap pointed her up into the wind and the schooner started a progressive pitch. We worked quickly but it wasn’t long before the bow plunged so that our boots were dipped into the cold water. We continued stopping the sail and securing it to the jib boom as the bow dipped and we were waist deep in the spume. We kept working, and the bow dipped again; this time we were neck deep. Bob and I tied the last stop and scrambled back in before the bow sprit took one more dip into Nantucket Sound. Cap headed off the wind and we continued our way to Nantucket making about ten knots.

“Rock the boat if you can swim!”

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.” 

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James Hutton's Blog

First Tabor Boy Female XO!

June 6th, in an email from Bob Thompson, Director of Capital Giving:

 “It was announced this morning in our last Chapel that Holly Francis ’14 of Marion, MA will be next year’s Executive Officer.

As the first female XO, Holly is an extremely competent individual who will lead the schooner in…


Posted on June 8, 2013 at 7:04am — 2 Comments

Sister Ship "No. 6"

“No. 6” was built of steel by the shipyard Piet Smit Jr. in Rotterdam, yard number: 299. Her construction was contracted at the 5th of September 1917, her keel laid in the same year.

She was launched on the 23rd of September 1920 and put into service on the 1st of March 1921 as “Nederlandse Loodsschoener”, a Dutch pilot schooner for the Royal “Loodswezen…


Posted on September 1, 2012 at 6:42pm

Tabor Boy Sister Ship No. 6 Texel

Tabor Boy ’73-’74 XO Jon Barrett manages multiple mega-yachts around the world and found pictures of one of the TABOR BOY’s sister ships while working with a yacht yard. Here is an article of the Sail Yacht No. 6 Texel

Historic Vessel Set For Round-the-World Adventure

“An historic yacht that was first launched in 1920…


Posted on September 1, 2012 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

HarborFinder Free Nautical app for Android smart phones

There are a lot of "apps" available for smart phones but here's one that is terrific for the mariner. Class of '79 Bill Earle and his associate at BBN/Rayetheon came up with this free Android app for voyage planning. Bill and his associate would like to get some feedback on the app so download it, have fun with it, and let him know how well it works for you - …


Posted on April 30, 2012 at 10:30am

Another professional mate from the TABOR BOY Program!

Bravo Zulu to Matt Twomey!!!…


Posted on December 4, 2010 at 9:30am

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At 12:33pm on January 14, 2023, Luke Saletta said…


          Thank you for welcoming me! I am so glad to be a member of this community and thrilled to find somewhere to connect with former members of the Tabor Boy crew. I will definitely post some pictures as soon as I am able.

At 12:46pm on December 1, 2022, Robert (Bob) Griffith said…

West Pont not Kings Point. Capt G did urge me toward Kings Point, but I'd wanted to go to West  since I was twelve. Tabor was/is a naval honors school and i got an appointment through that program. Course Vietnam was just heating up around then so they were taking anybody. The rest is history.

At 11:35pm on November 29, 2022, John W. Briggs said…

Hi Jamie!

I don't know why it took me so long to see your message and to reply to you!  All is well on this end, here in rural New Mexico!  I remember you, our crew mates, and our time together, very well.  And I remember how stormy that trip was to Bermuda, early in the summer of '77!  A good handful of years afterward, I bumped into Pete Mello in Providence and had a nice time catching up with him.  It's wonderful what he's done.  Bill Rose has recently visited me here in New Mexico, I'm very glad to say.  Our experience together on Tabor Boy was nothing short of priceless.  It was mind boggling how relatively few students took advantage of it.  Perhaps, however, what the others didn't know, was a blessing for us, who did!!

Yours truly,

--John W. Briggs, Tabor '77, Tabor Boy spring '77, & '77 Bermuda cruise. 

At 8:30pm on October 13, 2022, Adelle Smith said…

Thank you so much for the warm welcome! Here's a photo from a couple days ago and I'll be sure to post may more!! 

At 12:49am on January 21, 2021, Jonathan Lincoln said…

Hey Jamie,

Hope this finds you well. Been a long time since i was on here last...

Let's catch up!  504-495-9750

Jonathan Lincoln

At 9:17am on September 21, 2020, Lauren Kirk said…

Thank you!

It certainly is a challenging year, but I'm looking at it as an opportunity to shape the program to be something students continue to love. We all love Cap so much, and I miss sailing with him every day more than I can express. It is because of Cap's dedication in training us that we are able to adapt and function well under all these new circumstances.

You'll be happy to know that Capt. Jay is a very qualified, very kind man, and he is up for the task as well.

I'm happy for you and everyone who has gotten to sail on Tabor Boy. Schooner Crew is truly a family.

-Lauren Kirk

At 11:41am on March 13, 2020, Clint Wadsworth said…

I agree with the comment that the Tabor Boy changed, influenced many lives.  Personally after college I started down a pretty standard and boring path in construction management.  From my experience on the Tabor Boy, I learned what really made me happy was the hands on aspect of construction.  Not to bore you with a long history, I will just mention that I am still at it and will be moving a slave cabin 10 miles this spring.  And, that is fun.

In addition, I am signing up for an American Sailing Association program to refresh my knowlege of navigation, maintenance, etc. 

We were the lucky ones at Tabor when we signed on the Tabor Boy for our sport.

At 6:47pm on May 4, 2019, Robert Birch said…

Thanks, Jamie.  There is a Robert Perry Fan Group on Facebook you might want to join since he designed your Valiant 42, which is  fine yacht.

At 11:02am on November 17, 2016, Jonathan Pirkey said…

That's what I hear.  The old wharf is now luxury condos.  Well they aren't making any more land there.

At 6:49pm on March 22, 2015, kipp k. valentine said…
Glad to be back....thanks



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