I was recently on vacation from Australia in Maine and got chance to stop by and say hello. Thanks Capt. Chris, Trevor and Spencer. It was great to be onboard again after a few years!! Is there a finer schooner in the States, I doubt it!!! Tabor Boy is still a second home and family after 18 years - More Pics below…

Posted on September 6, 2008 at 2:00am — 1 Comment
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Thanks for the LNG update. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself in your work. I felt the same way when I was working the LNG fleet. Fun and interesting cargo, also good people. To bad the MEBA is no longer a player. That story requires many beers and I’m sure you have heard it already. Please pass on my regards to Marta and Ken, as I sailed with them both briefly aboard the LNG GEMINI back in 1994. Yes I’m still with the MEBA. Just got my twenty in this last year. Also I’m being re-assigned to the M/V YORKYOWN EXPRESS as permanent C/E come February. Looking for my high three before I bail out. Houston is only a three hour drive for me and I do it all the time. If you are ever up this way drop me a line and I’ll buy the beer………
Jonathan M. Lincoln
P.O. Box 73
Walburg, Texas 78673
Resonded to your inquiry about in tow from Nantucket.
What's news in the LNG world?
Jon Lincoln