I took my wife to lunch in Charleston yesterday. We were walking through the downtown market place and came apon a place called "The Fishin' Duck". It's a store owned and operated by a former Sealand employee. They had a 3' model of a topsail schooner. It wasn't overly detailed, but looked a lot like our beloved ship. Topsail fore, gaff rigged main. The only difference I noted was a gaff main. It had a mid house much the style of Tabor Boy and a dark blue hull. If I didn't already have a sloop… Continue
While taking Luke (5) and Joy (4) out for an afterschool adventure today, I ran into Merry Conway who, among many other things at Tabor, is responsible for the website. She recently added a Tabor Boy Project page which is very exciting. Tabor Boy Project crew member and current student Scott Lauermann help put the page together.
Today's NY Times had a great article about the significant role played by Captain Conrad H. Roy, Jr of Tucker-Roy Marine Towing and Salvage and his crew in containing the US Air 1549 wreckage from becoming a major hazard to navigation in New York Harbor. Check out my post which includes an interview with Captain Roy on the Sea-Fever…Continue
Added by Peter A. Mello on January 16, 2009 at 6:30pm —
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As I entered Charleston Harbor this Thanksgiving aboard my sailboat I was reminded of the Thanksgiving cruises we enjoyed aboard the TABOR BOY delivering her here for the annual winter lay up. Charleston Harbor is quite different after 38 years. A magnificent bridge can be seen from miles at sea and container cranes bristle along the waterfront. In a one hour interval three large container ships arrived and a Norwegian cruise ship sailed. I recently had the pleasure of visting with Karen &… Continue
This beautiful photo of the schooner popped up today on the New Bedford Whaling Museum's Flickr.com photostream. There's lots of other really amazing stuff over there that's worth checking out.
Here's a post that I did earlier today over at Sea-Fever: Foto…Continue
I was recently on vacation from Australia in Maine and got chance to stop by and say hello. Thanks Capt. Chris, Trevor and Spencer. It was great to be onboard again after a few years!! Is there a finer schooner in the States, I doubt it!!! Tabor Boy is still a second home and family after 18 years - More Pics below…
I came across a nice "letter to the editor" from past XO Andrew Major sent into Workboat Magazine (Sept 2008) regarding his experience at Tabor and on the schooner. Thought you would all like to see it! see attached PDF.
I was drafted for kid duty on Friday and thankfully my friend Randy Peffer invited Luke (5), Joy (3) and me to go sailing with him on his schooner, Sarah Abbott. It was an exquisite day on Buzzards Bay. Here's a link to a post about it on the Sea-Fever blog.
Returning to Sippican Harbor we crossed courses with Tabor Boy which looked to be on an Alumni Weekend… Continue
One year ago today, Alex Rivard, Class of 2008, wrote one of the best and funniest posts on The Tabor Boy Project entitled Good times, good times. No matter what era you sailed on the schooner, I guarantee that you'll find a lot familiar. It's comforting to know that the ship and experience stand the test of time. If you haven't read it before, go now. And that's an order! ;-) SMILE
Added by Peter A. Mello on April 28, 2008 at 8:00pm —
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It all start after attending a Headmaster's Council meeting at Tabor Academy on April 14, 2007. I have always felt incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to go to Tabor but that day really brought it home for me. While It is great to catch up with a few of the Council members that I went to school with… Continue
It had been a few days since I logged in at The Tabor Boy Project and today I was thrilled to see that we passed the 100 member waypoint on April 1st when Emerald Epke joined. Ironically, Emerald works with Bob Glover ('78) and me over at Northeast Maritime Institute and we've been trying to get her to join for months. Looks like she was just waiting for a shot at that roundest of… Continue
The students that just finished the Caribbean Studies Program 2008 have shared their personal logs at this site:
It’s well worth checking out!
Added by James Hutton on April 4, 2008 at 2:25pm —
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Built near Amsterdam in 1914 as a Dutch North Sea pilot schooner, the Sailing School Vessel (SSV) Tabor Boy originally carried the name Pilot Schooner #2 and was engaged in that service until 1929. Renamed Bestevaer, she then sailed as a school ship for the Dutch merchant marine until her capture during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.
Bestevaer was returned to Holland after the war and sold to businessman Ralph C. Allen in 1952. Mr. Allen had the vessel… Continue
Added by James Hutton on March 8, 2008 at 10:23am —
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“You dirt ball, get your hands out of your pockets and help your ship mate out over there. You’re about as useful as teats on a bull!” Those were the first words that cap spoke directly to me as a freshman during my first day aboard the TABOR BOY. Those were ego shattering words spoken from an adult to a young boy of 15. While helping my new shipmates hauling in the mighty outer jib on a blustery fall day, all I could think of was, “oh crap, I guess I better find another fall sport because…
In August, 2007, I was in Marion to picking up a boat that I was chartering for the week for my family. I had some time on my hands and I was told that Tabor Boy was still in Fairhaven for repairs. I needed to go to New Bedford anyway, and thought I would take the opportunity to…
Yes, you read that right and being of Scottish decent, I do have a family tartan and do wear my kilt on occasion, I was intrigued that a world class university in Scotland had done a study on Sail Training, so I could not wait to read it.
I hope that this message finds you full of turkey but otherwise well.
It's great to start the holiday season with a day where we can take a moment to be grateful for the many things that have contributed to our lives. If you are like me, the experience of sailing Tabor Boy is one of those things that you will be forever thankful. The older I get, the more I appreciate those years at sea under sail… Continue
Added by Peter A. Mello on November 22, 2007 at 10:20pm —
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